Is This Stock With a 14.3% Dividend Yield Worth Considering?
Can a 14.3% Yield Possibly Be Safe? For yield-seeking investors, few things are better than a 14.3% annual payout. But in an era when a four percent dividend can be considered high-yield, a double-digit yield just seems too good to.
3 Dividend-Paying Stocks to Help Income Investors Survive the Next Recession
If You Want to Collect Recession-Proof Dividends, Read This Things look pretty good for income investors at the moment. The economy is booming, corporate profits are soaring, and the new tax reform has led to quite a few dividend increases..
This Large-Cap Stock Pays Investors a Generous Dividend Yield of 11.8%
1 Large-Cap High Yielder to Consider Large-cap stocks have been the bread and butter of many income investors’ portfolios. The reason is simple: for companies to command huge market capitalizations, they often need entrenched positions in their operating markets. And.
McCormick & Company, Incorporated: This “Boring” Stock Has Soared 1,110%
Today’s post drives home a theme we repeat over and over on Income Investors: You can make exciting returns in boring stocks. Longtime readers know we love simple businesses. Companies that “sell the basics” often make great long-term investments, given.
Washington Prime Group Inc: This 15.7% Yield Looks Interesting
Is This 15.7% Yield Safe? Let me start by stating the obvious: you have to dig really hard to find a decent yield nowadays. After a 10-year bull market, most stocks look pretty expensive. You can, however, still find value.
Buckeye Partners, L.P.: This 10.4% Dividend Yield Is Worth a Look
Is This Beaten-Down Stock About to Make a Turnaround? Because dividend yield moves inversely to share price, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that beaten-down stocks can offer some of the highest payouts. Take Buckeye Partners, L.P. (NYSE:BPL), for instance..
A Rock-Solid 7.5% Dividend Yield You Likely Haven’t Considered
This is a Top High-Yield Stock for Income Investors When it comes to finding high-yield stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs) and energy partnerships are arguably the two most common places to look. However, that doesn’t mean investors should ignore.
Senior Housing Properties Trust: A Safe 10.1% Yield
A Rock-Solid 10.1% Yield Today’s chart highlights another winner from an aging America. Regular readers have heard our bullish argument on healthcare before. As baby boomers get older, they’ll need more drugs, more testing, and more medical facilities. This trend.
Here Are the 10 Highest-Yielding Stocks in the S&P 500 Index
Who Else Wants More Yield? “Where can I find a safe income stream right now?” I hear this question over and over again from readers. Low interest rates have knocked the retirement plans for millions of Americans, forcing many prospective.
This Safe 7.9% Dividend Yield Is Well-Positioned to Grow
A High-Yield Dividend Growth Stock You Likely Haven’t Considered In a market where most stocks pay less than four percent, a safe and growing 7.9% dividend yield deserves income investors’ attention. The company in question is Medical Properties Trust, Inc..