Kellogg Company Will Raise Its Dividend 4% Next Quarter
Kellogg’s Pays 365 Consecutive Quarterly Dividends Kellogg Company (NYSE:K) said that it wants to raise its dividend by four percent starting from the third quarter of 2016. The cereal producer will pay a dividend of $0.50 per share on June.
UK Mail Turnaround Slower Than Expected, Cuts Dividend
UK Mail Group PLC (LON:UKM) continues to suffer from an earnings malaise. Now, investors are paying the price. On Tuesday, the postal and logistics operator announced a dividend cut to shareholders. According to the company’s press release, UK Mail’s final.
In These Three States, Seniors Have Enough Income for a Comfortable Retirement
How much retirement income do you reckon is needed for a comfortable retirement? Well, if you ask financial advisors, they’ll tell you that you’ll need at least 70% of your annual income before you retire. Unfortunately, a recent study suggests.
Two-Thirds of Americans Would Struggle to Cover $1,000 Emergency
If you think that Americans have more savings under the mattress now, think again. Results from a recent poll suggest that two-thirds of Americans would have trouble coming up with the money to cover a $1,000 emergency. Today, the Associated.
KeyCorp Increases Dividend by 13%
Bank stocks are having some solid gains recently as the U.S. Federal Reserve makes a June interest rate increase look like a real possibility. KeyCorp (NYSE:KEY), which operates through its subsidiary KeyBank National Association, just announced another catalyst, though—a dividend.
Southwest Airlines Hikes Dividend, Launches Buyback
Southwest Hikes Dividend 33% In a sector often dismissed by investors, one company is trying to prove the skeptics wrong. On Wednesday, Southwest Airlines Co (NYSE:LUV) announced it will hike its dividend and ramp up its share buyback program next.
Northrop Grumman Corporation Hikes Dividend by 12.5%
Defense Contractors Cashing In Media reports of beheadings and car bombings can be horrifying. But those fear-mongering reports scrolling across CNN sound like cash registers for one company—Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC). On Wednesday, the defense contractor announced another dividend hike.
Potash Corp. Slashes Profit Outlook; Dividend Seen at Risk
Is Potash Corp’s Dividend at Risk? Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc (NYSE:POT, TSE:POT) posted weaker-than-expected earnings and slashed its full-year guidance, leaving some analysts worried the company’s dividend could be at risk. On Tuesday, Potash Corp reported a big drop.
Flat Yield Curve Is a Dire Warning to Investors
Flat Yield Curve Is a Worrying Sign The spread between the two-year and 10-year yields has shrunk to its narrowest point in nearly a decade, signaling the U.S. economy could be heading for a recession. The price of short-term government.
Inflation Sees Largest Spike in Three Years
The prices shoppers are paying for goods and services saw its biggest increase in over three years last month, thanks mostly to the higher cost of gas and rent. Today the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published its monthly report.