BRG Stock: Earn a Monthly Income with a 10.7% Yield
1 Monthly Dividend Stock for Income Investors Apartment buildings can be great income investments. Because people always need a place to live, apartment buildings in populated areas can provide investors with a steady stream of income. However, those things aren’t.
GPC Stock: 61 Years of Dividend Increases from an Auto Stock?
This Auto Stock Deserves Income Investors’ Attention In this article, we are going to take a look at a company with one of the longest dividend increase streaks in America: Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC). Headquartered Atlanta, Georgia, Genuine Parts Company.
GNL Stock: Rewards Its Investors with a 9.7% High Dividend Yield
GNL Stock: Top High-Dividend-Yielding Stock A common practice by companies that pay out a dividend is to do so quarterly. However, there is a small group of stocks that don’t follow this tradition, rewarding investors on a monthly basis. Today’s.
WMC Stock: Don’t Ignore This 11.8% High-Dividend-Yielding Stock
WMC Stock is a Top High-Dividend Stock Western Asset Mortgage Capital Corp (NYSE:WMC) stock features a high dividend yield of 11.8%. Is that enough to warrant an investment? Or is there more to this stock than meets the eye? One.
GMLP Stock: The Safest 10.1% Yield Available Today
Who Else Wants a Safe 10.1% Yield? Generally, big yields come with big risk. Some stocks grab your attention with their double-digit payouts. But the second you dig into their financials, you see why the smart money unloaded their shares..
Dividend Stocks: 3 Communications Infrastructure Stocks Yielding Up to 16.7%
These Dividend Stocks Yield Up to 16.7% If you are looking for reliable dividend stocks with oversized yields, then you need to check out one industry: communications infrastructure. Today’s wireless carriers make a lot of money. Just take a look.
Welltower Inc (NYSE:HCN): The Best Real Estate Play for the Next 50 Years?
HCN Stock: Income Investment with Huge Upside Potential We’ve all heard of someone getting rich from real estate. However, most of these stories involved an investor owning some land or properties to begin with. And those things aren’t cheap. Today,.
GAIN Stock: Collect Monthly Dividends with an 8.2% Annual Yield
A High-Yield Monthly Dividend Company Today’s chart highlights a monthly dividend stock with an 8.2% annual yield. I’m looking at Gladstone Investment Corporation (NASDAQ:GAIN), a business development company (BDC) headquartered in McLean, Virginia. Gladstone invests in lower-middle-market businesses in the.
OHI Stock: 1 High-Yield Stock for the Next 10 Years
High-Yield Stock Now Pays Out 8.1% Today’s chart highlights my favorite place to hunt for high-yield stocks: healthcare. Regular readers know an aging America represents one of my favorite investment themes. As baby boomers get older, they’ll spend more money.
TCAP Stock: A 12.8% Yielding Dividend Stock You Likely Haven’t Considered
Prepare to Earn a Double-Digit Yield This company pays generous dividends with a double-digit yield, but most investors have never heard of it. I’m talking about Triangle Capital Corporation (NYSE:TCAP), an investment company headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina. Even though.