5 Clean Energy Stocks Yielding Up to 10.7%
Earn Income from Clean Energy Investing in a clean energy project can create quite the income stream. If the wind blows or the sun shines, your equipment makes money. And unlike an oil well, these renewable sources of energy never.
Little-Known Stock Provides a 14.6% Income Stream
This High-Yield Stock Is Making a Turnaround High-yield stocks are usually not the safest bets, but income investors might want to make an exception for Sanchez Midstream Partners LP (NYSEAMERICAN:SNMP). Sanchez Midstream Partners, which used to be called Sanchez Production.
Up 72% on Raytheon Company… With More Upside Ahead
Raytheon Stock Is Soaring It’s a scary world out there… except for defense contractors. A few years ago, we noted America’s participation in a growing number of conflicts. We saw this aggression escalate further over the weekend, after President Donald.
GasLog Partners LP: Time to Lock in This 8.7% Yield?
This Partnership Yields 8.7% Today’s chart highlights a big opportunity in the energy business: liquefied natural gas (LNG). Vast new supplies have sent natural gas prices plunging in the United States. But due to limited inventories and fast-growing economies, the.
BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust: This Income Stream Yields 19.6%
Royalty Trust Pays Out 19.6% Ever feel like it’s impossible to find a decent yield nowadays? At one time, income investing used to be simple. You just had to save up a decent-sized nest egg and buy a few quality.
PepsiCo, Inc.: Get Ready for Another Dividend Increase From PEP Stock
Collect a Growing Income Stream From PEP Stock Compared to the high-flying tech stocks, consumer staples stocks may not seem very exciting. But when it comes to providing investors with a steadily increasing stream of dividends, few companies can match.
THL Credit, Inc.: This 13.8% Yielder is Worth a Look
A High-Yield Stock You Likely Haven’t Considered In today’s market, ultra-high dividend yields often serve as warning signs. But in the case of THL Credit, Inc. (NASDAQ:TCRD), the company’s double-digit payout may actually be worth considering. Let me explain. The.
5 Top Dividend Stocks Yielding Up to 14%
The Traits of Top Dividend Stocks Do you know the No. 1 trait of the world’s top dividend stocks? When I ask this question during presentations, people throw out a bunch of ideas. I’ll hear things like good yields, rising.
Uniti Group Inc: Can a 15% Yield Possibly Be Safe?
Dividend Safety Analysis of Uniti Group Inc It’s no secret that in the world of income investing, higher returns always come with higher risk. Very often, an ultra-high dividend yield turns out to be a sign of trouble. And yet.
Sabra Health Care REIT: Little-Known Stock Pays Out 10.2%
Quiet Stock Yields 10.2% I hope readers understand this basic tenet of our investment approach. We seek out wonderful but often overlooked businesses with long track records of rewarding their shareholders. Ecolab Inc. (NYSE:ECL) water filters, Paychex, Inc. (NASDAQ:PAYX) payroll.