Top 10 Berkshire Stock Holdings for 2017
Berkshire Hathaway Holdings 2017 Of all the legendary investors of our time, Warren Buffett probably has the biggest following among income investors. Buffett is known for his buy-and-hold strategy, and has also collected billions of dollars in dividends. Thanks to.
Retirement Stocks: Lock in the 9.5% Yield of CenturyLink Stock
Perfect retirement stocks are pretty easy to define. Ideally, you want high-yielding stocks that can provide substantial income, but more importantly, you want those yields to be as stable as possible in order to own a sustainable income stream. But.
The Best Dividend Stock Nobody Is Talking About
A Top Dividend Stock to Own Forever Cool tech startups always grab headlines, but many of the best dividend stocks get little coverage in the press. You don’t need hot gadgets to make money. As regular readers know, I’m a.
Stock Picking Strategy: GARP Investing
What Is a GARP Strategy? Most investors are familiar with “value investing,” which is investing in companies that are undervalued based on their fundamentals. Also common is “growth investing” where one invests in companies that are growing at a higher.
What is the Dividend Discount Model?
Stock Valuation Using The Dividend Discount Model (DDM) The dividend discount model (DDM) is a key valuation method used for dividend-paying stocks. This model is used for determining the value of a stock based on future dividend payments and discounting.
How to Calculate a Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
How to Calculate P/E Ratio The price to earnings ratio, or P/E ratio, is one of the most widely used valuation metrics in security analysis. It is also particularly important to value-conscious income investors. In this article, we are going.
Why New Residential is a Top Pick: A Dividend Yield of 11.2%
Stocks with super-high dividend yields typically have a bunch of risks surrounding them (which is why they have such high yields in the first place). But once in a while, our team at Income Investors comes across a high-dividend-yield stock.
10 Determinants of the Dividend Policy of Any Company
Factors Affecting the Dividend Policy Many investors tend to flock to dividend-paying companies because they provide a source of income. But there is a lot of work done on the company’s end to determine how much to pay shareholders and.
Pipeline Stocks: High-Dividend Stocks Yielding 9.8%
High Dividend Stocks Gushing Income “Rob, CDs pay out nothing. Most stocks barely yield two percent. Where do I find a decent high dividend stock with some yield?” That’s how my retired neighbor described his current situation. He’s hardly the.
How to Tell if a Stock Is Overvalued or Undervalued
Overvalued or Undervalued Stock? When it comes to investing, there is a lot to consider, such as an investment strategy and which sectors you want exposure to. In fact, it only takes a few major decisions to determine the overall.