Robert Baillieul, B.Comm.

Robert Baillieul's Articles
Ship Finance International Limited (NYSE:SFL): Cash Cow Yielding 14.2%
Earn a 14.2% Yield From This Dividend Stock Today’s chart highlights “cash cows,” my favorite place to find high-yield dividend stocks. Cash cows represent mature businesses. Because they don’t have to reinvest earnings back into operations for expansion, most of.
Earn an 11.8% Yield From Top 7 LNG Dividend Stocks
These Dividend Stocks Yield Up to 11.8% Some of these stocks pay out yields of five percent, seven percent, and even 12%. The companies make money hand over fist. And thanks to President Donald Trump, these dividend payments could be.
Earn a 16.7% Yield from These 5 Royalty Trusts Starting July 20
These Trusts Yield Up to 19.3% Kimberly Kay Kreider-Dusek earned a modest living in McMullen County, Texas, until a representative from a local oil company knocked at her door. It turned out her cattle ranch sat on a huge pool.
What You Need to Know About Rising Interest Rates
Janet Yellen Delivers Relief for Seniors Despite what you’ve been told, the orange-haired man in the White House is not the most powerful person on Earth. That title goes to the 5’2″ 70-year-old lady who heads the Federal Reserve: Janet.
Main Street Capital Stock (NYSE:MAIN): This Monthly Dividend Stock Now Yields 5.8%
“Secret” Dividend Stocks Yield Up to 7% I once read about a British solider during World War II trying to make his way through occupied territory. He got a cow and led it along the roads back to his base..
Earn 12% to 15% Yields Outside of the Stock Market
The Clintons Made Millions From This “Underground Stock Market” The Clintons rank as one of the wealthiest couples in American politics. According to Forbes, the couple raked in as much as $240.0 million over the last 15 years. What most.
We Saw 172% Returns the Last Time This Happened
This Market Has Triple-Digit Upside Today, I’ll get straight to the point. The last time this happened, European stocks soared 172%. Over the following months, they beat the returns of U.S. equities two-to-one. Now, we could see the same thing.
Municipal Bonds: High-Yield Bonds Paying 6%
The 6% Income Stream You Likely Haven’t Considered Today, I want to highlight my favorite way to spot new investment ideas: following headlines. Investors tend to overreact to negative events. Traders will dump shares of everything in an unpopular industry,.
Where Wall Street Insiders Collect Yields of Up to 12.5%
Little-Known Asset Class Pays Big Yields Low interest rates have dramatically altered the rules by which investors play, leaving some savers struggling to catch up. Bank certificates of deposit barely match inflation. Checking accounts pay out next to nothing. Even.
9 Hard Truths Your Stock Broker Won’t Tell You
Lies Stock Brokers Tell Their Clients Would your stock broker lie to you? Would they say anything to snag your business? Would they say anything to justify their huge fees? Would they say anything to turn you into a submissive.