Robert Baillieul, B.Comm.

Robert Baillieul's Articles
Should You Borrow Money to Buy Stocks?
One of the most common questions I get from family and friends nowadays concerns leverage. “Rob, my financial advisor suggested taking the equity out of my house to buy stocks. Do you think that’s a good idea?” Apparently, they’re not.
How to Collect an Indirect 12.9% Yield From the IRS
Earn a 12.9% Yield From the IRS Do you hate tax season? You’re not the only one. Each year, we complete the frustrating, often stressful, ritual of filing our taxes. And the worst part? It seems that every spring, “Uncle.
Enterprise Products Partners: A Rock Solid 7% Yield
The Safest 7% Yield Around You should skip over most high-yield stocks. Most large payouts get slashed sooner or later. We all love extra big yields, but big yields tend to come with a extra degree of risk. Today’s stock,.
Where to Lock in 15%+ Yields Right Now
Pipeline Stocks Extremely Cheap The stock market continues to hit record highs, but traders have left one industry by the wayside: master limited partnerships (MLPs). Wall Street poured billions into the sector over the past few years, attracted by large,.
5 Safe Dividend Stocks Yielding Up to 10.1%
Safe Yields Up to 10.1% Most people know Bill O’Reilly for hard-hitting political views, but he can be a source of good investment advice, too. “Dow is down two thousand points from its high,” he told his Twitter followers last.
This “Cash Cow” Dividend Stock Yields 10.8%
Milk This Stock for a 10.8% Yield If you’re searching for safe, large yields, this niche of dividend stocks may be worth a second look: cash cows. In business jargon, cash cows amount to mature operations. Because these firms have.
3 Top Mortgage REITs Yielding Up to 13.5%
Tiny Niche Yields Up to 13.5% Struggling with low interest rates? You’re not alone. Millions of retirees have seen their income dry up with today’s rock-bottom yields. Saving accounts pay out next to nothing. Bank certificates of deposit yield only.
This Dividend Stock’s 10% Yield Is Growing
A Growing 10% Yielder Today’s chart highlights another winner in the healthcare business, senior housing. Regular readers have heard our bullish argument on senior housing before. As the population gets older, we’re going to need more nursing homes, retirement communities,.
Healthcare Services Group, Inc.: Quiet Company Delivering Double-Digit Returns
Quiet Stock Pays Dividends Today, we check in on another winner from a graying America. Regular readers have heard our bullish case for the healthcare sector before. As baby boomers age, they’ll need more drugs, more tests, and more checkups..
Earn a 6% Yield From the “AT&T of Brazil”
Where to Find Higher Yields Now Today’s post highlights another of my favorite places to find safe, high yields: emerging markets. U.S. stocks have shot the lights out over the past few years. But as investors bid up equity prices,.