Robert Baillieul, B.Comm.

Robert Baillieul's Articles
5 Monthly Dividend Stocks Yielding Up to 12%
Top Monthly Dividend Stocks Do you want monthly income? A growing number of companies are now set up to serve you. Many investors rely on their investment portfolios to fund their retirement. For them, dividend stocks are a natural choice,.
Safe 12% to 25% Yields Available From This Unique Investment
These Stocks Pay Up to 25% Today, investors have an incredible opportunity to earn double-digit yields. You simply have to look past traditional industries like utilities and consumer staples. Instead, I’m looking at a smaller section of the investment world.
Earn 12%+ Yields From America’s Next Oil Boom
These Stocks Pay Up to 17% America imports most of its energy needs from the rest of the world. But that might be about to change. Soon, the U.S. will become a major exporter of just about every energy commodity.
How to Earn Huge Dividends From the Coming Mobile “Gold Rush”
Massive Trend Making Fortunes Imagine downloading a Blu-ray movie to your smartphone in seconds. Or surfing the Internet at lightning speeds from the middle of a crowded football stadium. Or putting on a set of virtual reality goggles and watching.
How to Earn a Dividend Check Every Month of the Year
These Stocks Yield Up to 18.1% Regular readers know I gush over dividend stocks, but they do have one drawback: quarterly payouts. The right business can make for a great source of income. But with their infrequent payments, investors have.
Sunoco LP: Is This 12% Yield Real?
Can You Trust This Payout? A 12% yield feels like Bigfoot riding a unicorn on the believability index. High payouts look tempting. Typically, though, big dividends get cut sooner or later. But once in a while, you come across a.
Do You Make This Retirement Investing Mistake?
The Biggest Retirement Mistake Aliens. Men in black. Roswell, New Mexico. This might sound like the ranting of a sandwich board-wearing conspiracy nut on the street corner. But for some investors, such topics represent very real risks to their investment.
Is This Company the Next Berkshire Hathaway?
This Stock Has Returned 13,800% In the back of every investor’s mind is the stock that got away and became a huge success. Consider Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE:BRK.A, NYSE:BRK.B), which grew from a small textile manufacturer into a financial behemoth..
These Royalty Income Streams Pay Up to 17.7%
The New Source of Income It was early spring in 1983 when Sting and his band The Police wrote one of the most popular songs of the decade. Sitting at a studio on the Caribbean island of Montserrat, the group.
The Big Lie Your Financial Advisor Will Never Tell You About
What Wall Street Won’t Tell You Working on Wall Street is a bit like having a spider crawl up your leg; the experience won’t kill you, but it sure feels icky. I started my financial career working in a brokerage.