Robert Baillieul, B.Comm.

Robert Baillieul's Articles
Kickstarter Pays First Dividend to Shareholders
Kickstarter Breaks Unwritten Rule of Tech In an industry known for innovation, one company is going for the tried and true. In March, Kickstarter did something almost unheard of in the tech world: it paid a dividend to shareholders. According.
German 10-Year Bond Yield Falls Below 0%
Flight to Safety Sends Yields Plunging The yield on 10-year German bunds has sunk below zero percent, leaving yield-hungry income investors struggling to catch up. According to financial information provider FactSet, the yield on 10-year German government notes fell as.
H&R Block Shares Soar on Dividend Hike, Earnings
H&R Block Hikes Dividend 10% While few of us like to think about the IRS, there is one tax story you might like. On Thursday, shares of H & R Block Inc (NYSE:HRB) soared seven percent after reporting better-than-expected earnings..
Higher Interest Rates: 5 Things You Need to Know
Based on hints from Washington, the Federal Reserve will hike interest rates later this month. Your first reaction may be, Who cares? How much can a bunch of crusty old bureaucrats in D.C. impact me? A lot, actually. The Federal.
European Corporate Bond Yields Hit Record Lows
Negative Interest Rates Could Hit Here Next Central bank bond purchases have sent yields plunging, leaving some income investors struggling to catch up. In a desperate bid to jump-start the economy, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced in March that.
Southwest Airlines Hikes Dividend, Launches Buyback
Southwest Hikes Dividend 33% In a sector often dismissed by investors, one company is trying to prove the skeptics wrong. On Wednesday, Southwest Airlines Co (NYSE:LUV) announced it will hike its dividend and ramp up its share buyback program next.
Northrop Grumman Corporation Hikes Dividend by 12.5%
Defense Contractors Cashing In Media reports of beheadings and car bombings can be horrifying. But those fear-mongering reports scrolling across CNN sound like cash registers for one company—Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC). On Wednesday, the defense contractor announced another dividend hike.
Potash Corp. Slashes Profit Outlook; Dividend Seen at Risk
Is Potash Corp’s Dividend at Risk? Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc (NYSE:POT, TSE:POT) posted weaker-than-expected earnings and slashed its full-year guidance, leaving some analysts worried the company’s dividend could be at risk. On Tuesday, Potash Corp reported a big drop.
Flat Yield Curve Is a Dire Warning to Investors
Flat Yield Curve Is a Worrying Sign The spread between the two-year and 10-year yields has shrunk to its narrowest point in nearly a decade, signaling the U.S. economy could be heading for a recession. The price of short-term government.
Potash Corporation’s Dividend at Risk, Analysts Say
Low Fertilizer Prices Could Crimp Payout Investors love Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan (USA)’s (NYSE:POT) lucrative dividend, but the company’s oversized payouts could be at risk. At least, that’s according to the latest report by Accountability Research. In a report published.